Enabling Climate Resilience for Inclusive Prosperity

We exist to make weather intelligence accessible and useful for communities most impacted by climate change today

64% of countries have no early weather warning system.

Those Most Impacted Can Be Equipped to Adapt & Thrive

With weather variability and extremes impacting the lives of communities and farmers now, 
many are asking for better ways to adapt to climate change.
Farmers, emergency responders and global health workers lack access
to effective weather forecasts for impactful decision making.
We believe localized weather forecasts and timely, actionable advice is the answer!

Pioneering technologies, powered by AI and satellites, are rapidly emerging that could transform weather and early warning systems but they will not reach vulnerable communities
without intervention. New partnership models must be explored and systems-level gaps urgently
addressed to unlock opportunity for all.

“Anything we can do to help farmers in poor countries with extreme weather – where we are going to have more floods and drought – is the biggest climate adaptation thing we need to do.”

Bill Gates avatar
Bill Gates,

The Economist , October 2023

The TomorrowNow Impact

Innovative weather can reach underserved regions, but systemic barriers prevent scale-until now. 
TomorrowNow.org is urgently addressing these gaps. We’re bringing next-gen weather and climate technology directly to the communities most impacted by climate change while enabling rapid scale and sustainability pathways.

Act Now

We address systemic barriers to accelerate adoption and sustain impact over time.

For Tomorrow

We get innovative weather technologies into the hands of those who need them most - right now.


We unite partners from the private, public, and NGO sectors around critical climate adaptation solutions.

Partnering to Bring Local Resilience & Prosperity

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Echo Mobile logo
Kenyan Space Agency logo
Kalro logo
CIAT logo
Minister of Environment and Forestry logo
GeoInfinity logo
Pabra logo
RCMRF logo
Echo Mobile logo
Kenyan Space Agency logo
Kalro logo
CIAT logo
Minister of Environment and Forestry logo
GeoInfinity logo
Pabra logo

Maximize Impact

Our strategic partnerships enable us to maximize
impact for climate adaptation and sustainable development.
Together, we aim to achieve key Sustainable
Development Goals by 2030 – zero poverty, zero hunger, and urgent climate action by democratizing access to weather intelligence globally.

No Poverty icon
Zero Hunger icon
Climate Action icon
Gender Equality icon

Join us in Unlocking the Potential of Global Climate Adaptation